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AUG 26. 2022
Dear friends, On this joyous day of Janmashtami, I would like to share with you some thoughts about consciousness and energy. According to Babuji, if energy is not utilized it will destroy itself in due course, while science says that energy can never be destroyed but c
OCT 05. 2021
Why Teacher’s Day? If there were no teachers in the world, all other professions would be extinct. It is similar to saying if there were no mothers, there would be no babies either. UNESCO declared 5th October to be World Teachers’ Day in 1994. Different countries celeb
OCT 01. 2021
Hindi lyrics and English translation of this song: आत्मा ने हालतें परमात्मा जानी न थीं नाथ जब तक आपकी हमपर महरबानी न थी।। Soul has not known the longing of God Lord till your compassion touched my heart नाखुदा बन कर बचा ली आपने मेरी ये नांव जिसकी इस बहरे जहां में कु
SEP 28. 2021
When faced with certain situations in our lives, we usually need a lot of confidence to get through them, like an examination, or an interview, sometimes even for important meetings at work, etc. Life will always bring us unexpected changes and challenges that repeatedl
SEP 19. 2021
Pranams.Dear Sisters and Brothers, 21st September – International Day of Peace. Peace lovers, they come together in a field we don’t realize, the moment we close our eyes, whether you are a believer of God or not, but the moment our heart yearns for some quiet, some pea
SEP 02. 2021
Namaste ji and Happy Janmasthami. The teachings from the Gita are eternal and time-tested. They inspire us in some fashion. Unfortunately, inspirations, however lofty, do not move us to the next step of actualizing the truth we are seeking. We are always being told by o
MAR 03. 2020
Dear friends,We have spoken a lot about fasting and autophagy in recent years, and the relevance of Ekadashi as a very useful tradition for health and well-being in Indian culture – a tradition that is commonly practised but not deeply understood. Ekadashi is the Sanskr
DEC 30. 2019
Dear friends,To work harmoniously, peacefully and lovingly, for the common good, is the demand of our time. At Heartfulness, we offer a set of simple daily practices that fulfill that demand – removing prejudice, negativity and emotional burdens, and nurturing inner con
OCT 22. 2019
Wednesday, 31 July Do you believe in God? During the day, everyone prepared to move from the Paramdham Ashram to the campus of the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, where preparations were in progress for the Conference on “Elevating Consciousness Through Med
OCT 09. 2019
Saturday, 27 July Kurnool & Anantapur Daaji left Kanha by road for Kurnool in Andhra Pradesh around 10:15 a.m. on the morning of 27 July, along with a convoy of seven cars filled with abhyasis who were all going to Bengaluru for the International Conference on Ele